
Mazafati Mazafati Dates


Mazafati date palm belongs to plant species of the Palmacea-Arecaceae family and its scientific name is Phoenix dactylifera. This kind of date because of having high moisture is not used as nuts. Mozafati date can be considered as the most delicious kind of date fruits in the world.
Mazafati, Rotab, Bam or Khajoor date is the most delicious and biggest-selling fresh and soft date fruit in the markets of Iran and world. This type of date has the highest content of moisture between other types. Mazafati dates have an attractive appearance with a great taste and flavor. Eating one piece of mazafati dates never make you feel bad but you always keen to eat them more. The soft texture, pleasant black color, delicious flavor, high moisture and good source of energy, sugar and minerals are all the special features of this date.
This palm is a native species to the tropical and subtropical regions of Iran. Mazafati date is widely cultivated across in the southern cities of Iran such as, Jiroft and Kahnuj of Kerman province and Saravan and Iranshahr of Sistan and Baluchestan province.
Packing weight range, we can supply as below:
5 Kg Carton
10 kg Carton
Jumbo Max 160/kg
We can arrange another packing types per customer’s request.

Keeping Condition

The wholesale of mazafati dates usually starts at the end of summer. The Shelf life of this date is one year after the production. It must be kept in cool climate warehouses or refrigerator which is cool, below 5 centigrade and dry with proper air ventilation. C.


• Cures Anemia
• Treatment of Diarrhea
• Bone Health
• Maintains Healthy Nervous System
• Treatment of Allergies
• Cures Anemia
• Dental Health
• Good for heart
• Maintenance of Healthy Skin
• Anti-ageing Benefits
• Healthy Hair
• Rich in nutrients
• Rich source of fiber
• Rich in anti-disease antioxidants
• Improve brain health
• Useful for easier delivery


Kabkab Kabkab Dates


All the dates are difference in terms of size, type, color, water, sugar levels, shapes and sizes which depend on the type of soil, water, air and moisture in their cultivation. The date production of each region and the main figures of exports are important. Some of date figures such as Shahani, Mazafati, and Kabkab are very good and are among the best quality dates in the world.
Kabkab are one of the types of dates in Iran. it is a wet date which has semi-dried texture and also it is long, row, dark brown. it is very delicious, sweet and full of syrup. The color of the fruit is yellow in the unripe or Kharak stage and light brown and burnt brown in the Rutab stage, and eventually it turns into a dark brown.
This date has the most economic value in Iran. Kabkab date can be considered as the most important and the most abundant date fruit in world which can be grown in most tropical cities of Iran. it is a very suitable dates for industrial usage. Also, it used for direct consumption. Kabkab dates are nectarous and soft with wide range of use in food industries and bakeries. These dates growing in Dashtestan city of Bushehr province and Fars region in Iran.
Packing weight range, we can supply as below:
1 Kg Carton
5 Kg Carton
10 kg Carton
Jumbo Max 110-160/kg
We can arrange another packing types per customer’s request.

Keeping Condition

Kabkab dates should be kept in good condition because of syrup and moisture. It is generally recommended to store these dates in cold stores or warehouses that have a cooler air than -5 because of their high potential for insect attraction. Kabkab fruit can be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight for up to 6 months.
Low temperatures also make it easier to hold dates for much longer. Most of the dates produced in south of Iran should be packaged immediately and sold to customers immediately after harvest and sterile and hygienic warehouses should be used. It is advisable that the temperatures in these warehouses are below -5 ° C.


• Supplies the strength of body
• Suitable for weight loss
• Treatment of anemia and cardiovascular problems
• Suitable for ossification and bone structure
• Preventing cancer
• Suitable fiber for digestive and constipation problems
• High calories and sweetness
• high energy
• High iron
• High in calcium
• Constipation prevention
• Contains Vitamin C and other vitamin
• Contains oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, and magnesium


Zahedi Zahedi Dates


Zahedi dates is one of the famous dry and semi-arid dates in Iran., it can be considered as the most frequently used kind of date in Iran. This date is mostly cultivated in the Southern Provinces of Iran, Fars, Kerman and mostly in Hormozgan and Bushehr Province.
Iranian Zahedi Date is dry fruit with yellow color to light brown, its shape is short, oval, thick, elongated and at the end it is quite narrow and sharp. It is so delicious with high durability which its moisture is less than other kinds of date.
This date is mostly grown in the Southern Provinces of Iran, mostly in Posht-e Kuh, Hormozgan and Bushehr Province. The weather in the Southern provinces of Iran is mostly hot which makes it perfect for date palm trees to grow, so the farmers mostly grow this type of date there is this area. We mostly export this date to India, Pakistan, China, Russia, Poland, and Hungry, Europe etc.

Packing weight range, we can supply as below:
5 Kg Carton
10 kg Carton
Jumbo Max 160/kg
We can arrange another packing types per customer’s request.

Keeping Condition

Shelf life of Zahedi date is one year after the production date. You can keep it at room temperature which has good air ventilation and it is free of dust. However, it is better to keep them in the refrigerator which is cool and dry with proper air ventilation.


• Cures Anemia
• Treatment of Diarrhea
• Bones Health
• Maintains Healthy Nervous System
• Treatment of Allergies
• Dental Health
• Good for heart
• Maintenance of Healthy Skin
• Anti-ageing Benefits
• Healthy Hair
• treatment of chronic constipation
• nerve stimulation and visual acuity


Rabbi Rabbi Dates


One of the best loved and earliest date varieties is Rabbi dates. they have large fruit in red, blackish and shiny and clear skin. These dates look similar to Piatom dates fruit. Rabbi dates fruit have a very good taste before they become semi-arid and are even tastier than Mazafati. Rabbi dates are categorized in semi-dried dates and this kind has a good and high durability.
Because the sweetness of rabbi dates is natural, some people prefer rabbi dates because of their low sweetness in comparison to mazafati dates. Rabbi date is extremely popular, so that often it presells before production. This type is also used as an industrial date, and products such as date syrup, date liquid sugar, date chocolate, fruit leather (Lavashak), cookie and some beverage ingredients are obtained from Rabbi dates.
Rabbi dates are cultivated in several cities in Iran such as, Chabahar, Saravan, Iranshahr, Zabol, Khash and Sistan and Baluchistan province. These cities are most important areas in the production of Rabbi Date in the Iran.
Packing weight range, we can supply as below:
5 Kg Carton
10 kg Carton
Jumbo Max 160/kg
We can arrange another packing types per customer’s request.

Keeping Condition

This date is a type of semi-dry date and has a good shelf life. The appearance of this date is wrinkled and tall. Due to the low humidity, these Iranian dates have a high shelf life and this makes exporting unnecessary for cold storage. Due to the very low moisture content rabbi dates have high shelf life. Rabbi dates do not require a refrigerator for being stored for short time. But to store them for long-term you must keep it in the refrigerator.
Rabbi dates can be considered as one of the most economical dates in Iran, there is usually no proper storage condition for these dates at their place of origin these dates must be kept away from sunlight. Rabbi dates can be stored at an accurate timing of 12-18 months in cold storages depending on the date and the place it is kept.


• Cures Anemia
• Treatment of Diarrhea
• Bone Health
• Maintains Healthy Nervous System
• Treatment of Allergies
• Cures Anemia
• Dental Health
• Good for heart
• Maintenance of Healthy Skin
• Anti-ageing Benefits
• Healthy Hair


Piyaram Piyaram Dates


Piyaram dates, is one of the varieties cultivated in Hormozgan province in southern Iran. This high-quality date, is harvested in south of Iran. Piyaram dates palms are commercial and first class because of their good quality and high market value. Piyaram date is one of the valuable dates in Iran and it is so popular in the global market. The piyaram date size is large, thin skin, black-brown. it is commonly considered the most delicious of all semi-dry date varieties.
Piyaram’s date moisture is Less than other types of dates and figures are considered semi-dried. Iranian Piyaram dates play an important role in the world market and in terms of value constitute of the major part of Iranian date exports.
This date does not have a similar product in other countries. Arabic Medjool dates are relatively similar to Piyarom dates in terms of appearance and Arabic Mabroom dates in terms of characteristics. Piyarom dates are high outstanding quality compared to Madjool dates and can be a serious; strong competitor for Madjool.
Packing weight range, we can supply as below:
1 Kg Carton
5 Kg Carton
10 kg Carton
Jumbo Max 110-160/kg
We can arrange another packing types per customer’s request.

Keeping Condition

Since Iranian Piyaram dates do not need refrigeration for transportation and storage, this type of dates is suitable product for exporters and traders. you can keep these dates at room temperature which has good air ventilation and it is free of dust. But it is better to keep them in the Refrigerator which is cool and dry with proper air ventilation.


• Contain fiber, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other vitamins
• Help improve neurological and mental function
• Anti-cancer
• Reducing body fat
• Weight loss
• Treatment of diabetes
• Useful for a healthy and disease-free life
• Reduces seasonal allergies and allergic reactions
• Very effective for high blood pressure
• Better function of muscles and nervous systems
• Help treat intestinal and gastrointestinal diseases
• Help treat anemia